Important Message From The President Of The Board

April 29, 2020

Hello Crossroads Family, I hope you are all doing well, staying safe as we go through this difficult time.  Covid-19...

Hello Crossroads Family,

I hope you are all doing well, staying safe as we go through this difficult time.  Covid-19 has taken its toll on everyone and we need each other more than ever.

The house is on complete lockdown.  I’m writing to update you about our response here at the house. The residents continue to be taken care of by our essential front line staff.  Everyone has her temperature taken daily and hand sanitation is practiced several times a day.  All education, coaching and counseling continues to occur on a daily basis.

Vickie and her staff are doing an amazing job with all of the restrictions put on them by the county.  We are required by the county to continue to admit new residents as needed.  Vickie has held a private area in the house in which she can accommodate new residents while keeping everyone safe.

Chores are completed three times a day as well as meal preparation…the house is immaculate!  The women continue to have two AA meetings a week at the house as well as attending up to four zoom meetings a week.  Other things they are doing to keep themselves occupied during this isolation includes playing games, computer time and watching movies at night.

The Recovery ride which was to take place on April 19th was cancelled but not before raising $2300, pretty good given that our goal was $2000!  This was a terrific outcome for our first ride out!  Thank you everyone who registered to ride and to those who donated to support them.

Our Music Under the Stars fundraising event scheduled for Saturday July 18th is still on the calendar.  If the restrictions have been lifted and we can congregate you may be ready to take a ride out into the country and listen to some great music.

It is with sadness I tell you that our premiere fundraising event Pasta & Jazz, scheduled for Saturday September 12th  has been cancelled.  We will plan for a great event in 2021!

We are in the early stages of preparing a Virtual Fundraiser sometime in September.  This will consist of a live auction and a Fund in Need.  Once details have been secured we will get them out to you so you have plenty of time to register.

The house has just about everything it needs with the exception of hand sanitizer and Lysol.  If anyone has extra of either that they can donate it will be greatly appreciated. 

You, our donors are our greatest asset.  Thank you for continuing to support Crossroads.  Please stay safe, and stay healthy.  Keep the faith.  We are in God’s hands and he will bring us through this with a new respect for life and one another.

In service,

Annemarie Sundquist
President Board of Directors Crossroad Foundation

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